For some traders, there exists the understanding and acceptance that the right of passage to become one of the best traders in the world today, must be paid. He or she knows that only a chosen few are making the profits that all others aspire to. This makes perfect sense because the Smart Money Players are in the minority of the largest institutions that control price movement. To this trader, the fact that the Markets are manipulated is irrelevant. Therefore, the highly trained trader with the ability to know when and where these institutions are trading, will fade those moves, while keeping the risk level substantially lower due to the positional advantage of targeting only the “VTC Model Type” trades.
This Executive Mentorship Program is highly selective in nature, and therefore continues to produce some of the most proficient traders in the world as we know it today. The only real variable in it, becomes you.
You are the trader who must be dedicated beyond any stretch of the imagination, and prove that you are truly a candidate for this proven program. Investing in yourself at the highest level, becomes inconsequential when the trader realizes just how much capital may be lost by being ill prepared.